We have a team and male and female physio. By utilising variety of techniques physio can play an important role for your movement and postures. For example, joint mobilisation, manipulation, taping, heat/cold therapy, acupuncture/dry needling, stretching and strengthening exercises to help relieve pain and regain full function of your musculoskeletal system
Physiotherapy can help any condition that affects your muscles, joints, ligaments, discs or nerves such as:
Physio Services
- Back and Neck Pain, including whiplash
- Shoulder, Elbow and Hand Pain
- Sports Injuries
- Chronic Pain
- Muscle Tears and Sprain
- Headaches
- Work Related Injury (Workcover Accredited)
- Motor Vehicle Accident Injuries
- Pre and Post Surgical Rehabilitation
- Female physio can help during pregnancy
- Chest conditions (asthma,cystic fibrosis, COPD)
- Neurological conditions (stroke, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s)
Sports Physiotherapy
- Pre-season screening
- Sport specific injury prevention talks
- Pre-game strapping
- Sports coverage for game day & mid-week training
- Locating appropriate protective equipment for your athletes e.g. splints and braces